A logo is the smallest advertising campaign in the world.

For us, the logo is the most important design element of a brand. It embodies a company visually and on a semantic level (promise of meaning/Paul Rand). A logo is the first word in what we hope will be a long conversation between the brand and people. To have a chance to develop its power, it must have qualities that go beyond mere subjective terms such as beautiful, harmonious, trendy or striking. Form must be in balance with the level of meaning, the content. If form dominates, content is marginalized. If meaning carries too much weight, formal irrelevance and boredom are the result.

For us, a logo must be simple, radiate clarity and offer a high degree of recognizability. It must have the potential to be positively charged over the entire communication cycle. Furthermore, it must work and be applicable in all areas in which it is used. When we develop a logo for our customers, we focus on the values, vision and requirements of a brand and consider how the brand might develop in the future.
Every logo is a starting point. Ideally, over the years it will be imbued with the values of a brand or a company, the quality of its products and services and a host of (hopefully) positive experiences with a brand. The logo we have developed then soon comes to represent not just design or design decisions, but the company as a whole – as what it is and as what it wants to be.

© 2030 Design 2025